Faces of Norman

presented by @illshootthat – the photography of Chris Hangsleben

Welcome to my project! I wanted to showcase just how amazing Norman, and the people that inhabit it are. I’m so glad that you took the time to get involved! I’m happy that I’m able to work on this project, and once I hit that magical number of 600, I’ll be Hanging a mural in town of everyone’s faces. So stay tuned for more info about that, and the companion coffee table book!

Feel free to browse these photos, download them, use them as your profile pic, get it printed, whatever you’d like to do with them. I wanted to provide them for free, with no restrictions, at high resolution because I feel like we all need to use our talents to give back to our communities, and I really wanted to do my part.

If, however, you feel like you wanted to donate to the project to help me offset the cost of advertising, or even just to buy me a soda to drink that day, I wouldn’t argue with you. Without the support of the community, this project wouldn’t be anything, and I’m so grateful to have that support. You guys are really what this is all about!

I’ve made it real easy to support my project financially, all you have to do is click the button below, and it will take you to my Venmo account, where you can directly wire me.

And in case you were wondering, the best way to keep up with the daily goings on, is to follow me on instagram at @FAcesOfNorman, and if you’re on Facebook, you can also find the Faces Of Norman Page devoted to the project there as well.

Thanks again for getting involved and keeping this town as awesome as I’ve always known it is. I’ve been a lot of places in my life, but this one will always be the most special to me.